"You have to begin to tell the story of your life
as you now want it to be
and discontinue the tales of how it been
or how it is now"
- Abraham Hicks
Someone posted this quote on Face Book the other day. Of all the many little quotes that scroll endlessly past each day, this one stood out. Isn't it funny how you can hear the same message in dozens of different forms but somehow it doesn't 'fizz' until the mind is open to receive it? At least, this is the way it is with me.
This morning I woke up to an exquisitely beautiful feather down blanket of snow all around. Even before the sun came up my dog and I were out frolicking like a pair of kids in fairy dust. I'm sure it's now apparent that I don't get much snow where I live.
With the Abraham Hicks quote still simmering in the back of my mind I gradually came to the realisation that this snow was a perfect metaphor for a clean slate. Yesterday is buried and I can begin to tell my story as I now want it to be. Everyday I have this choice, but so often I get entwined in yesterday's dramas that story of my 'life as I now want it to be' is left to default. I can clearly see this is not how I want to continue operating my life.
But I have a choice.
Linking to: Walk and Click Wednesdays.
Cool Clicks Thursday
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Cool Clicks Thursday
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