Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 - Ready or Not Here I Come

For the first time in as long as I can remember I think I am ready for the new year.  No new year resolutions for me, or at least, not in the usual sense.  The whole year of 2013 was a constant challenge.  One thing after another - close friends dying unexpectedly, other friends moving, me having to move three times, and my much loved dog dying - and yet somehow I managed not to fall into the doldrums too much.  It seems as though the more that hit me the more vulnerable and yet more trusting I became - trusting that I would be ok no matter what.  Events were happening so fast there for a while I just didn't have time to dwell on anything too much.

Looking back over this last year I know I'm a very different person to who I was twelve months ago.  I have slowed down a lot.  No more hectic chasing after things that just don't matter.  No more giving energy to people or projects that are dead ends.  I don't mean that unkindly.  I just don't have the energy to pour into those who don't want to help themselves.  Most importantly I've given up trying to make things happen.  Now that was a major energy waster!  Things worked out just fine in ways I never thought possible when I finally was too exhausted to plan anything.

This year I have a few intentions - a few ideas of what I would like to have happen - but I am not making any plans as to how to make them happen.  I am going to keep things as simple as possible.  I will as best I can stay focused on one thing at a time, not get into a flap over what I think I should be doing, and allow life to unfold as it will.

These horses are enjoying sharing - competing for the goodies isn't necessary.

This old windmill reminds me of simpler times.

This year I will take time to enjoy nature.

I shall use these two beauties to inspire me to just take it easy.
Linking to Friday My Town Shoot Out!  Please hop on over and see how others around the world are going to approach the new year.