This beautiful mare is enjoying a loving caress knowing she is safe and her future is secure now. With decades of carefully manipulated breeding behind her she was expected to run like the wildfires glinting in her fiery coat - and make a lot of money for someone. Instead she found her way to a feedlot, just another unwanted and frightened soul with a fast approaching expiry date.
Gandhi would be encouraged to know that this nation is morally progressing. Gigondas, and several of her companions are now living in stress free luxury. They were rescued by folk who care about the way this country's animals are treated.
Barb, thank you for visiting the herd yesterday and for taking such beautiful photos! And, yes, it is indeed a shame that we as a nation treat these beautiful animals so thoughtlessly. Unfortunately, it isn't just thoroughbreds that end up on slaughter-bound feedlots. It's all breeds, including quarter horses and mustangs. What does that say about us as a nation? Part of our "throw-away" society???
Cheryl, the pleasure was mine! It was soothing to my soul to be around those beautiful gentle horses and to be in the company of people who care as much for the horses as you do.
I feel the more I can encourage you, Cathy and Bill, and others like you, the stronger the message that is being sent out into the world that all of life is to be respected.
So, I take photos, blog and do what I can :)
well said. just started reading gandhi's autobiography.
I followed the Desert Horses. Your photos are truly amazing.
Thank you all for your encouraging comments.
Barb, another great photo and another great commentary. Your pictures tell a thousand words and your words share a thousand emotions of love, caring and joy. The horse, a powerful symbol of "the messenger". Let the message be of respect for all living creatures. Namaste, Patti
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